Tuesday, June 17, 2008

acne & stress

Can stress actually cause acne? There is ample evidence available to suggest that stress can most assuredly cause an acne breakout or make an existing breakout worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.

skin facts

If you are part of the 95 of the population who suffer from acne, you have more than likely seen TV or print media advertisements for acne facials. Have you ever wondered if there is anything to the claims that their manufacturers make?

Dirt has no part in acne

Dirt has no part in acne. Dirt is dirt. Acne is acne. One has nothing to do with the other. Acne is a build up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dirt isn't involved. Keeping the face clean can and will help to prevent clogged pores but dirt does not cause acne.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pregnancy & skin care

Pregnancy can cause normal skin to become oily so you may have to change to skin care products that combat acne. Use toners and exfoliate to remove dead cells and deep clean pores. Continue to moisturize skin, especially your growing belly, to reduce chances of developing stretch marks

skin care more..

Women have a tendency to retain water, causing skin to look and feel more bloated. To keep water retention under control, it's important for women to limit the amount of salt in their diets.

women skin care

All skin care is not created equally! Women's skin care differs from that of children and men, and among women, skin care even differs at various stages of life.

skin care

Sun protection isn't just for sissies. Protection from the sun's damaging rays is important for anyone who wants to grow old gracefully. It's also an absolute must for anyone who wants to limit his or her risk of developing skin cancer